My MIND FULL OF MUSIC (Mindfullmusic) is my music therapy when I want to relax, conventional music that others use like Tibetan bowls does not help me, I suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, I have evolved in incredible ways since I am receiving the help of two doctors Great ones that I talk about a lot in my blog posts.
With professional support, proper medical treatment and diagnosis we found that in my case Mindfulness techniques, conscious breathing and self-instruction I managed to get out of that nightmare, I suffered from C-PTSD (Complex - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
We were using EMDR and I am experimenting with what I baptized MY MUSIC THERAPY. And I ACHIEVED, I could get out of that hell. And if I could you can too.

What does it consist of? It's super simple, start by creating a playlist, or music list, on your YouTube channel, to also help you with the visual factor of the videos you select.
I discovered that the only music that calms me when I'm in an anxiety crisis, for example, is listening to music that brings me to my emotional anchors.
Which anchors? Those that one experiences those moments that steal your breath, of happiness.
We must ALL have beautiful memories to cling to and if you don't have them you can create them.
The magic of music helps people who suffer from post-traumatic stress in different ways, I am disturbed by Tibetan bowls, others are relaxed, there are sounds that can bring back to your mind, pleasant or unpleasant memories.
Remove from your eyes, and your ears everything that reminds you, the flashbacks, those photographs of the moment that you wish you didn't remember involuntarily.
The movie The bright side of life or in English, is described very well by the character Bradley Cooper. who along with Jennifer Lawerence and Robert De Niro and a whole cast of luxury, exemplify mental illnesses masterfully.
Music for him is his trigger, a specific song was the DETONATOR, for the bad memory. And the idea is to look for a song that causes the opposite effect on you.
In the same way the song can help you change your mood in a few minutes, the music I use the other way around, for me it consists of taking songs with which I have contrary emotional anchors. Burning songs makes me smile immediately.
It is my reassuring, it is my way of concentrating on the here and now, my mindfulness system, is to concentrate on the music and the components of the song, the rhythm, the melody, has percussion, uses bass, does it have choirs?
I pay attention to the music, and divide it into parts, I listen to the lyrics, the arrangements, the good voice, a song preferably well sung ...
And that's how I created my own playlist and keep it updated with music from now that connects me to the best of the present no sad memories.
Ex. Lizzo makes me laugh. And I love her safety inspires me to see her.
In the same way it is the type of melody that I select, it must be animated music, that intentionally raises my spirits, either by the lyrics, by its melody, by the musical arrangements, the vocal capacity, or a video that catches you and you make smile. You must concentrate on that song for the duration.
I chose music from Dua Lipa, Lizzo, Clean Bandit, Demi Lovato, Zara Larson, styles and music different from what I used to listen to. Nothing from the past. Nothing Cut Veins.
If you have good emotional anchors in the past like the music you heard when you graduated.
Have your favorite playlist on hand, fill it with songs that remind you of happy situations, funny memories, or simply that you like, and use it every time you want to recover your smile, HIGH VOICE SONG, and DANCE throughout your home, it's the better way to oxygenate your lungs and your whole body, in just 4 minutes that the song lasts, more or less, you must have regained control of your emotions, focus on the music as if there was no one around you.
This one that I leave at the foot of the page is my playlist to focus on the here and now, so I focus on my goals, achievements, and future breads and on what I am doing during my mindfulness to achieve all this, relax and focus, encourage me and motivate me, mindfulness is for me to have an empty mind of fears and full of reasons to be here and now.
I hope you like my tastes, they are atypical in the case of mindfulness but the classic drives me crazy brings me bad memories, instead the new music inspires me reminds me that we must be like music evolve with it ... Flow ... Enjoy it .
It is my spoiled list, the change according to my whims and new hits.
I like Dua Lipa, Zara Larson, Mark Ronson, Katy Perry, Ariana Grande, Bebe Rexha, Carli B, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Zedd, Kelani, Post Malone, Clean Bandit, Martin Garrix, Haylee Steinfeild, Bruno Mars, Ed Sheran, The Chainmoikers, Little Mix and others ...

But I'm always updating my playlist with the most trendy suggestions on YouTube.For more mental health tips, visit my My Resilience blog.
Also visit my board on Mental Health on Pinterest, I have a lot of information in Spanish and English.
I hope my advice will help you;
Kisses Madeleine.
#Kelani #CarliB #BrunoMars #YouTube #mindfullmusic #mymindfullofmusic #Mindfulness #tibetanbowls #stress #complexPTSD #posttraumaticstressdisorder #DuaLipa #silverliningplaybook #JenniferLawerence #BradleyCooper #Lizzo #positivesanchors #EMDR #Therapy #controlofemotions #PTSDalternativetreatment #POSITIVEMEMORIES #howtoreleivestress #PostMalone #MarkRonson #Zedd