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4 keys to lose weight.

Foto del escritor: Madeleine CasmoMadeleine Casmo

Actualizado: 13 abr 2022

We all dream of losing weight effortlessly, because I tell you that these concoctions are simple to make and do not represent a great sacrifice. Here are some great videos I got from Kwai.

Obviously, when you replace dinner with this smoothie for 7 days in a row, you will undoubtedly see the results.

1. Green smoothie.

Another recipe that you will love is this one.

2. Water from Jamaica.

Jamaica enhanced with Cinnamon, Ginger and Laurel leaves are the ideal mixture to help your metabolism burn that unpleasant abdominal fat that mortifies us all.

3. Anti-inflammatory drink.

This concoction is designed to help us deflate. Women usually retain fluids after 40. It also happens to us during pregnancy and the days before menstruation, this type of retention is normal. But nevertheless. When our diet contains a lot of salt, we may experience fluid retention. For example, on your hands and feet. This magic potion is special to help us with this type of inflammation caused by a diet high in sodium.

Another thing that makes us fat mercilessly is sugar. According to experts, sugar can be completely eliminated from our diet without our body needing it.

The energy derived from desserts gives us that rush that we experience and that make us feel that we are strong and well fed, but in reality, sugar as such has no nutritional value. To top it off, sugar becomes that abdominal fat that is so difficult to burn. By consuming foods such as sweets and junk food, we trick our body and make it grow that we eat when in fact we do not. Some people cut sugar out of their diet altogether like in the video below.

4. Leave the sugar.

Before starting any diet, they recommend consulting your doctor. This warning is important especially when it comes to a diet that replaces foods from the basic diet without compensation. White sugar has a very bad reputation. In any case, Brown sugar or Stevia is preferable. Since sweeteners are not healthy either.

You must be careful.

The cabbage soup diet, the egg and wine diet, or the apple and canned tuna diet are popular among models and people on television. Joaquín Fénix himself underwent a strict diet that consisted of an apple and a can of tuna a day, with which he lost about 20 kilos to personify the Joker.

Unless you have a millionaire contract and a deadline to lose weight, it is normal that you do not submit to this type of torture, which will not only starve you, these wild diets can cause permanent damage if you reach the extreme of poor nutrition.

Other diets like Keto or Atkins that cut out carbs work, but have short-term side effects like hair loss.

So if the miracle diet that they recommend involves the total elimination of a type of food, you already know that it is a bad sign.

Even people who switch from meat-eaters to vegans must substitute protein sources if they don't want to get sick.

In any case. These concoctions sound delicious and are easy to make. We lose nothing by trying.

You must be careful.

The cabbage soup diet, the egg and wine diet, or the apple and canned tuna diet are popular among models and people on television. Joaquín Fénix himself underwent a strict diet that consisted of an apple and a can of tuna a day, with which he lost about 20 kilos to personify the Joker.

Unless you have a millionaire contract and a deadline to lose weight, it is normal that you do not submit to this type of torture, which will not only starve you, these wild diets can cause permanent damage, if you reach the extreme of poor nutrition.

Other diets like Keto or Atkins that cut out carbs work, but have short-term side effects like hair loss.

So if the miracle diet that they recommend involves the total elimination of a type of food, you already know that it is a bad sign.

Even people who switch from meat eaters to vegans must substitute protein sources if they don't want to get sick.

In any case. These concoctions sound delicious and are easy to make. We lose nothing by trying.

I recommend you take a look at my boards on Natural Beauty and also see these delicious recipes on my Lose Weight board.

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