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Moringa Super Food.

Foto del escritor: Madeleine CasmoMadeleine Casmo

If you are thinking about your health and how to keep it with natural products you will surely have heard about the famous superfoods such as Quinoa or Moringa. My doctor, Dr. Madrigal, of whom I have already spoken to you, also helps the health of other people, since he sows Moringa in a farm in Sarapiqué, Costa Rica, and sells it in dehydrated leaves, powder, and capsules.

I tried it for a month, and I loved it, I felt more energetic and I will continue to buy it in capsules since I am very bad to eat vegetables and Moringa represents an easy and economical alternative for those who like me are not friends of Skewered or we don't have time to go shopping every day to get a fresh lettuce to eat balanced. Then I will tell you why I am so excited about the idea of ​​continuing to take Moringa.

Super Properties of the Moringa The Moringa oleifera, simply known as Moringa, is a tree native to the northern regions of India; This tree can be cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas, so its cultivation in Costa Rica is very simple. In fact, it is one of the most used components in Ayurveda, the traditional medicine in India.

The "Moringa" has numerous therapeutic and medicinal uses and is considered a food solution as its properties list it among SUPERFOODS. This species of trees can reach between 10 and 12 meters high as its maximum height. Here in Costa Rica, the Moringa occurs in your garden. It is super easy to grow but expects to know its uses to make you fall in love with the plant.

Uses of Moringa The uses that can be given to Moringa are quite varied, mostly used as food, in fact, Moringa oleifera is considered a kind of superfood and is also considered as an excellent dietary supplement. Nutritional supplements that contain just a tablespoon of Moringa powder have more nutrients than conventional foods, other foods such as broccoli, green tea leaf, and chia seeds have also been winners in that list of superfoods.

The Moringa Oleífera is totally edible, from its leaves, as its roots and flowers are, they have a quite sweet taste and a very light spicy touch. There are many ways to prepare the parts of the Moringa, the leaves can even be eaten raw, like the flowers, which have a creamy tone. Another way is to parboil the leaves and flowers, placing them as spices for sauces or things like that.

Another culinary use is using the leaves in the stews, smoothies, and sauces, I will leave the PINCODE here with my MORINGA Pinterest board full of recipes. Properties of Moringa: To begin with, one of the most outstanding properties of the plant is that it has about 46 different antioxidants, therefore, Moringa is considered to be one of the main sources of natural antioxidant origin. It should be noted that antioxidants have great benefits for humans, such as helping to combat aging and heart disease; they also help strengthen the body's immune system.

Therefore, it is recommended and important that antioxidants are consumed, if they are of natural origin much better. Fight infections. Another property of Moringa, is that it has large amounts of Pterygospermin which helps fight infections of microbial origin, consume the seeds, leaves and even flowers will help you fight and prevent infections such as Escherichia Coli, for example.

Another benefit of Pterygospermin is that it has anti-fungal properties, therefore, it will help fight any infection in your body caused by fungi, preventing its growth and eliminating it. That is why regularly consuming the leaves, flowers or seeds of this plant will help you avoid microbial and fungal infections.

It also works as an anti-inflammatory, consuming the extract of the Moringa root will help you with any inflammation you may have. In the same way, you can consume its seed as a treatment to reduce chronic inflammatory problems, so that it reduces its symptoms and in the long term it will help, together with a treatment prescribed by your doctor, to eliminate the chronic inflammatory problem.

As an analgesic It is also a good analgesic, Moringa, especially the extract of its seeds and leaves, has good analgesic properties that will help you reduce the pain that your body may suffer as a result of various diseases or inflammation. If the pain is very strong, take advantage of this analgesic property that Moringa has. Not for nothing is it considered a miracle tree.

To prevent hypertension It also has hypotensive properties, which will help you prevent hypertension. Some biological assets found in the leaves of Moringa will help you regulate blood pressure in your body, without a doubt, something quite beneficial for your body and especially for your heart. Eliminate fluid retention Another of the properties of Moringa is that it works perfectly as a diuretic.

Consuming its leaves, seeds, flowers and especially the roots of Moringa will help you reduce the levels of toxins that you may have in the blood, keeping your body clean and healthy.

Another property that Moringa has is that it has the ability to lower blood sugar levels, that is, it has anti-diabetic properties. Thanks to this, you will not need to worry about having a lot of blood sugar, Moringa will take care of lowering these levels, drinking tea infusions from the plant regularly will give you that.

Reduce Cholesterol Moringa will also help you lower the level of cholesterol that is present in your blood, in this way you will keep your body healthy. It is a source of vitamins and minerals which are essential components in the body, among the main vitamins offered by the plant are Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Beta Carotene, Arginine, Alanine, Vitamin B, B1, B2, B3, and B6.

Improve liver function It has anti-hepatic properties. Moringa will help you prevent liver diseases, that is, liver diseases. It is quite useful when preventing cancer, thanks to niazimicin, an active biological component, you can reduce the chances of getting cancer. In addition, thanks to antioxidants, the production of cancer cells in the body are decreased.

Burn fat and lose weight It has properties that accelerate the body thus helping to burn more fat, do not miss our guide to learn to take Moringa to lose weight. In addition to serving to combat Diabétes 2 and Asthma. Obviously everything in excess is bad, so do not abuse yourself with moringa. I leave you a video of an expert nutritionist so that you fall in love even more with Moringa.

If after seeing this entry you are excited to buy the Moringa and sell it at your store, do not hesitate to contact me by + 506 7184 3594 And I will give you the information myself and send it to you anywhere in the world.

The Moringa Da Vida, you get it here in Costa Rica at El Mercadito Av. Escazú. Also if you want to buy it at the largest contact me. A hug and I hope this super data will serve you, and that the superfood is not missing in this 2020 and following.

With love.



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